Low dose 2‐CdA schedule activity in splenic marginal zone lymphomas

Splenic Marginal Zone Lymphoma (SMZL) is a rare clinicopathological entity among marginal zone lymphomas. SMZL is an indolent lymphoma usually treated by splenectomy. A subset of patients is characterized by a more aggressive clinical course and poor prognosis. Treatment of these cases and second-line therapy for relapsed patients have not been yet identified. We report 10 cases treated with cladribrine (5 mg/m2/week) for six courses. Six patients (60%) achieved partial response, two patients (20%) achieved a complete response and the two remaining patients did not respond and died as a result of progression of the disease. The treatment was well tolerated. A total of 60% of the patients had an overall survival rate of 48 months and 24 months progression-free-survival was achieved by 37% with a median time of progression-free-survival of 17 months. Interestingly, in addition to a relevant percentage of hematological remission, some patients also experienced a molecular remission. We conclude that this treatment is safe and well tolerated and is able to induce a substantial number of responses. Our results suggest that this schedule is well tolerated and could be an useful alternative to splenectomy. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.