Blood Uric Acid Values as Related to Sex and Age

BLOOD URIC ACID values above 5.0 to 6.0 mg/100 cc of serum occur in persons with no apparent clinical explanation. The age of the patient and sex have apparently been related to the elevation of the uric acid. With conflicting reports appearing in the literature, this study was undertaken. Of the original sera submitted, 4,667 were not duplicates. These were from consecutive admissions of three general hospitals. One of these was a Veterans Administration hospital. There were 3,879 males and 788 females in the study, ranging in age from 16 to 96 years. The smallest number (eight women and four men) was in the 90-and-over age group. A disproportionate number of males in the 60- to 69-age group is a reflection of the VA hospital population. The technique of Henry et al1 was employed in the chemical tests. (This technique yields blood uric acid values approximately 1 mg greater