Using WWW and JAVA for image access and interactive viewing in an integrated PACS

We start from the observations that (1) potential benefits from PACS can only be realized if PACS and HIS are integrated into a 'multimedia medical information system', and (2) that this also requires integration at the level of the user interface. The user interface should allow integrated interaction with information from different subsystems, of which PACS is one. However, in the real world, different information systems are constructed using different technologies. Moreover, radiological image viewing is a highly interactive task that puts a particular burden on the graphical user interface. We describe our experiences in applying technology emerging around the 'World Wide Web' (WWW) for interactive access to an integrated PACS/HIS. We illustrate the use of Web browsers to access new medical services, touch technologies for interactive access to HIS-PACS information, and emphasize the potential of JAVA applets. We argue that JAVA may become an important tool for providing highly interactive user interfaces to larger multimedia information systems. We discuss Web technology in the general context of HIS/PACS integration.