Characterization of the N-linked glycans of Giardia intestinalis

This article reports the first rigorous evidence for the existence of N-glycans in Giardia intestinalis, a parasite that is a widespread human pathogen, being a major cause of enteric disease in the world. Excreted/secreted molecules of G. intestinalis are known to stimulate the immune system. Structural strategies based on MALDI and electrospray mass spectrometry were employed to examine the excreted/secreted molecules for their N-glycan content. These revealed that the major oligosaccharides released by peptide N-glycosidase F are complex-type structures and correspond to bi-, and triantennary structures without core (α1,6) fucosylation. The major nonreducing epitopes in these complex-type glycans are: Galβ1-4GlcNAc (LacNAc) and NeuAc α2-6Galβ1-4GlcNAc (sialylated LacNAc).