The Pathogenesis of AIDS Lymphomas: A Foundation for Addressing the Challeng of Therapy and Prevention

The association between AIDS and a spectrum of malignancies relates to chronic, profound defects in both cellular and humoral mechanisms of immune surveillance. Ironically, as AIDS patients live longer in response to increasingly effective antiretroviral therapies, the incidence of AIDS-related malignancies will continue to rise. The emergence of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL) as a major sequela of HIV infection bears a striking relationship to depletion of CD4 lymphocytes, particularly below 50/mm3. The ability to interfere early in the course of active HIV infection with additional mechanisms that may promulgate transformed cell hyperproliferation and clonal expansion—growth factors, HIV itself or other viruses (Epstein-Barr, in particular), aberrant oncogene or tumor suppressor genes expression, factors that induce genetic instability or DNA damage or alter host or viral genome repair-might decrease the occurrence or prolong the time to development of AIDS-related malignancies. The development of antiretroviral strategies that confer long-term suppression of HIV activity and relative preservation of immune function are essential to the ultimate prevention of malignancies that arise as a consequence of HIV-induced immunosuppression.