This study investigated placental progesterone production by bovine placentomes. Catheters were placed in the femoral artery (FA) and in the caruncular artery (CA), caruncular vein (CV) and lymphatic vessel of a prominent placentome of 13 cows at 200 d of gestation. Four of the 13 cows were given prostaglandin F (PGF) after surgery, and blood and lymph were collected for progesterone determination. After 24 h, progesterone was higher (P<.01) in FA and CA plasma from control cows that FA and CA plasma from PGF-treated cows (5.11 ± .29 and 5.17 ± .64 vs 1.41 ± .08 and 1.15 ± .08 ng/ml, respectively), but CV concentrations were similar (3.38 ± .30 vs 2.56 ± .24, respectively). There was a net uptake of progesterone by placentomes from control cows (P<.01) but a net secretion in PGF-treated cows (P<.05). Lymph contained low progesterone concentrations regardless of treatment. Cows were slaughtered at 240 d of gestation. Placentomes were removed and perfused with pregnenolone through the maternal and fetal arteries. Fetal venous effluent contained more progesterone than maternal venous effluent (P<.001) in both groups, and fetal venous effluent of placentomes from PGF-treated cows contained more progesterone than that from control cows (P<.05). Maternal and fetal components of other placentomes were cultured alone or in co-culture along with pregnenolone and (or) epostane. Fetal tissue produced more progesterone (P<.001) than maternal tissue when each was cultured alone, but fetal tissue production declined when co-cultured with maternal tissue. Tissue from PGF-treated cows produced more progesterone than tissue from control cows (P<.05). These data suggest that the bovine placenta can produce progesterone but that the corpus luteum of pregnancy may inhibit production under normal circumstances. Copyright © 1987. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1987 by American Society of Animal Science