Renal peripelvic lymphatic cysts (lymphangiomas) associated with generalized lymphangiomatosis

Renal peripelvic lymphatic cysts (lymphangiomas) are usually seen as an isolated finding. They appear as multiple mass lesions with low attenuation on computed tomography (CT), and show no contiast enhancement. We present a case of renal peripelvic lymphatic cysts associated with generalized lymphangiomatosis, and examined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT, and lymphangiography. Multiplanar MRI demonstrated the extent of disease, including retroperitoneal lesions. The lesions had low-signal intensity on T1-weighted and high-signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The diagnosis of generalized lymphangiomatosis was verified by renal sinus cyst puncture, lymphangiography, and tissue biopsy.