Phonon Spectrum of Scandium Metal by Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons

The phonon dispersion relations along the principal symmetry axes of the hexagonal close-packed metal scandium have been measured at room temperature by means of inelastic neutron scattering. The results have been analyzed in terms of a sixth-neighbor modified axially symmetric force-constant model. Both the dispersion curves and the force-constant model are qualitatively similar to those obtained for yttrium metal and yield long-range interactions in the basal plane, but interactions which decrease rapidly in the direction normal to the basal plane. A qualitative discussion is also given concerning the directional nature of the bonding in hcp metals from a consideration of the electron-phonon matrix elements. Evidence has been found for an anomaly along the Δ1 branch reflecting the nesting feature of the Fermi surface along that direction. An unsuccessful search has been made for paramagnon-type excitations in this metal down to 4.2 K.