Overexpression, Enzymatic Properties and Tissue Localization of a Ferrochelatase of Cucumber

Somatic embryogenesis is strongly inhibited in cultures of carrot (Daucus carota L.) cells when the cell density is high. The inhibition is caused by factors that are released by cells into the medium of such cultures. In this study, we purified and identified one of the inhibitory factors found in the medium of high-cell-density cultures of carrot cells. The inhibitory factor with the strongest apparent activity was purified by fractionation with ethylacetate, chromatography on an octadecylsilyl (ODS) silica gel-column and HPLC. The inhibitory factor had a single peak of absorbance at 280 nm and was identified as 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol by mass spectrometry and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Authentic 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol strongly inhibited the formation of somatic embryos at a concentration equal to that in high-cell-density cultures. These results suggest that 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol is a major factor that accumulates in high-cell-density cultures of carrot cells and inhibits somatic embryogenesis.