Retrieval of surface radiative fluxes on the marginal zone of sea ice from operational satellite data

With the development of coupled atmosphere–ocean models for the polar seas, there will be a great need of surface radiation budget data over partially ice-covered sea surfaces of the marginal ice zones. This paper presents an attempt to retrieve the surface radiation budget components over the Fram Strait area from operational satellite data, i.e. AVHRR visible and infrared radiances and SSM/I passive microwave brightness temperatures. The cloud optical thickness, which is the main modulator for the incoming solar flux, is retrieved from AVHRR visible radiances through a radiative transfer model, assuming surface conditions deduced from the SSM/I ice concentrations. The cloud base emissivity, required for the downwelling infrared flux computation, is linked to the optical thickness through the liquid water path. The results presented show a good agreement with field measurements and little sensitivity to the cloud and aerosol properties extracted from the literature rather than from the satellite data. Infrared fluxes retrievals would however require a better knowledge of the atmosphere temperature profile and cloud base altitude.

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