Oblique-incidence far-infrared reflectivity study of the uniaxial antiferromagnetFeF2

Theoretical and experimental results are presented for high-resolution frequency scans of 45° oblique-incidence far-infrared reflectivity spectra of FeF2 in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency. The magnetic field is vertical and the plane of incidence horizontal. Calculations are presented and illustrated numerically for an arbitrary angle θ between the crystal c axis and the magnetic field H0. The main point of principle is that the equilibrium spin configuration and therefore the magnetic susceptibility depend on θ. The reflectivity R is nonreciprocal, i.e., R(-H0)≠R(H0). For θ=0° magnetic features are seen only in s polarization (E field vertical), but otherwise they are seen in both polarizations. Except for θ=0° and 90° weak s to p and p to s reflections are predicted. We discuss the instrumental developments required for the high resolution that is necessary for this spectroscopy. Experimental results for θ=45° are presented (θ=0° and 90° are in a previous publication). The whole range of spectra, including the s to p and p to s reflections, are accounted for with the same set of parameters as were used previously to fit the θ=0° and 90° results.