The Structure of Giftedness: The Domain of Literature As an Exemplar

The construct validity of the 4 x 4 Structure of Giftedness Modelin which is conceptualized in terms of four categories, i.e. general intellectual ability, specific intellectual ability, general original/creative thinking, and specific creative talent was investigated in boys and girls in grades 7 to 9 (n = 392) and grades 10 to 12 (n = 381). Students were not limited to those with high IQ scores but rather represented the wide range of abilities and talents postulated by current multidimensional conceptualizations of giftedness. Six alternative models were evaluated and compared with respect to which model fit the data best. The best fit was the four factor model, the current hypothesized model of the structure of giftedness in the domain of literature. These results contribute to the conceptual clarification of the diverse abilities that characterize intellectually and creativity gifted individuals, particularly those whose talents lie in the verbal domain.