Gypsy Moth1 Mixed-Function Oxidases: Gut Enzyme Levels Increased by Rearing on a Wheat Germ Diet2

Fifth-instar gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), larvae reared on an artificial wheat germ diet show significantly (P c by NADPH-cytochrome-c-reductase, and N-demethylation of N,N-dimethyl-p-nitrophenyl carbamate. Also, diet-reared larvae, unlike oak-reared ones, exhibit a pre-ecdysial depression in MFO activity that parallels the pre-ecdysial cessation of feeding. The elevated MFO activity presumably results from certain inducers present in the artificial diet; these are either absent or occur at low levels in oak leaves. These findings have important implications with respect to comparative insect biochemistry and toxicology; e.g., assessment of MFO levels in different species, MFO induction studies, and insecticide tolerance and metabolism.