Zink und Glukagon im Pankreas der Ente

The total pancreas of the duck has a markedly higher Zn content than the mammalian pancreas. The brown tissue, which consists of A cell islets and is isolated from the external cortical layer, has a Zn content approximately 10 times as great as the rest of the pancreas. The Zn content of the A cells is thus approximately equal to that of the B cells (about 500-1000 [mu]g Zn/1 g fresh tissue). The blood sugar effect of extracts of the total pancreas indicates a considerably higher glucagon content and a somewhat lower insulin content as compared with mammalian pancreas extracts. Extracts of the Zn-rich, brown A cell tissue of the cortex possess a glucagon effect but no insulin effect. Results are discussed in relation to the Zn glucagon hypothesis.

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