Sex pheromone of oriental beetle,Exomala orientalis: Identification and field evaluation

A gas chromatograph coupled with a behavioral bioassay was used to identify two sex pheromone components, 7-(Z)- and 7-(E)-tetradecen-2-one of the Oriental beetle (OB),Exomala orientalis. Field experiments showed that the blend of the two isomers (Z:E, 7:1) was not significantly more attractive than theZ component alone. The best performance of traps baited with the synthetic sex pheromone was achieved when they were set with the pheromone device at 30 cm above the ground. Catches in traps baited with 1 and 10 mg were not significantly different, but they were higher (2.9-fold) than captures in traps loaded with 0.1 mg of the pheromone. Further investigations by GC-EAD revealed the presence of a possible minor component, but the small amount of material prevented its identification. 2-(E)-Nonenol, with the same retention time as the natural product, did not affect the attractancy of the synthetic sex pheromone. GC-EAD screening of previously identified sex pheromones of scarab beetles showed that male antennae of the Oriental beetle responded to japonilure, but it showed neither synergism nor inhibition to the OB sex pheromone.