The rapid transit system for patients with fractures of proximal femur.

The rapid transit system for patients with fractures of the proximal femur consists of immediate internal fixation or replacement of the fractured bone under spinal anaesthesia, without any sedation. Patients are mobilised within hours of surgery and sent home as soon as they can walk. They are supervised at home by both an experienced physiotherapist and a visiting nurse. Sixty nine patients admitted to a metropolitan teaching hospital were considered for the system and 50 were accepted. Their age distribution and level of general ill health were comparable with those in other series. The rapid transit system resulted in 90% of patients accepted being discharged to their homes within the first five days, with a lower morbidity and a mortality at three months of 7%. Using the rapid transit system rehabilitation in the original environment is difficult only if the patient lives alone, and even then temporary support is often enough to allow them to return home.