The nucleotide sequence around the origin of replication in DNA of mouse polyoma virus was determined by 32P labeling of the 3' terminus of the Hap II-5/Alu I-1 DNA fragment, with the use of DNA polymerase. The result coincided with our previous report on the 32P labeling, with the use of polynucleotide kinase, of the 5' terminus of the Hap II-5/Hha I-1 DNA fragment, which corresponds to the large part of the present fragment, Hap II-5/Alu I-1. A symmetrical (A+T)-rich region containing a five-A stretch (or a five-T stretch) was flanked by two small regions with a 2-fold rotational axis of symmetry. On comparison of the sequence near the replication origin of polyoma DNA with that in the corresponding region of simian virus 40 DNA, which was included in the EcoRI-G fragment sequenced by Weissman's group (Subramanian K.N., Dahr, R. & Weissman, S. M. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 355--367), a considerable similarity was detected. Several possible common sequences for important biological activities such as the starting of DNA replication and RNA synthesis were suggested.