Blood groups, red cell enzymes, and cerumen types of the Ahousat (Nootka) Indians

A survey of the blood groups of a Nootka band produced frequencies characteristic of North American Indians for the ABO system (0.99 for 0, 0.0 for B, and 0.01 for A), Rhesus (0.822 for cDE, 0.011 for cde, 0.023 for cDe), Lutheran (1.00 for Lu(a—)), Duffy (0.505 for Fy(a+)) and Diego (0.039 for Di(a+)). K is not absent though the frequency is not great (0.028). Surprising results were obtained for the MN locus (0.399 for M, 0.601 for N), P (0.209 for P1), and Lewis (0.568 for Le(a+)). A frequency of phosphoglucomutase type PGM11 of 0.890 was found; all hemoglobins were type AA; no G‐6‐PD deficiency was found an all were type B positive; the frequency of the dry cerumen allele was found to be 0.323.