Nachweis der Volumen-Ionisation in organischen Flüssigkeiten

In order to study the bulk-conductivity in organic liquids measurements with blocking quartzelectrodes were made. When applying a constant field, a bulk-current through the dielectric liquid can be observed, which is decreasing exponentially jd(t)=j0_ exp {—t/R_C}+j0 exp {—t/R+ C}. R- and R+ are the bulk-resistivities for negative and positive charge-carriers, from which the bulk-conductivity of the liquid can be calculated. It is identical with the dc.-conductivity measured with conducting electrodes, that is it obeys the law: σ=σ01 exp { —E1/k T} +σ02 exp {—E.2/k T}. Therefore the generation of charge-carriers must be independent of the electrodes and the activation-energies E1 and E2 must correlate with ionisation within the liquid. The mobility of negative carriers is about two or three times that of positive ones. This fact leads to conclusions concerning the nature of the carriers. A tunnel-process is proposed to explain the discharging of positive ions at a metallic cathode.