Evaluation of the haemostatic profile in the Dre‐ and post parturient mare, with particular focus on the perinatal period

Various haemostatic analytes were systematically evaluated for four months pre-partum and five months post partum in 14 healthy mares. The plasma fibrinogen concentration and both Factor VIII:C and von Willebrand factor activity showed gradual increases from mid-gestation and reached maximal, or near maximal activity at parturition. These increases were paralleled by an increase in plasma fibronectin concentration, the appearance of fibrinogen degradation products, and a modest rise in antithrombin III concentration. In contrast, the activity of Factor VII and Factor IX, and the one-stage prothrombin (PT) time and the activated partial thromboplastin (APTT) time remained relatively constant throughout the pre- and post parturient period.