Histologic assessment of the submandibular glands in autoimmune-disease-prone mice

Submandibular glands were examined from three autoimmune‐disease‐prone strains of mice (NZB/W, MRL/1 and MRL/n) and controls (C57BL/6J). Focal lymphocytic adenitis was more prevalent and more severe in autoimmune‐disease‐prone strains than controls and in females than males. Lymphocytic foci were more frequent in older age groups, but female MRL/1 mice exhibited high levels of focal lymphocytic adenitis irrespective of age. Salivary parenchyma was generally well preserved. In the strain‐age groups with the highest focal lymphocytic scores proportional acinar volumes were significantly less than in controls. However, the proportion of acinar tissue showed no consistent relation to the severity of focal lymphocytic adenitis across all strains and age groups of either sex. Sexual dimorphism in granular duct prominence was weakened in NZB/W and MRL/1 strains compared to controls.