Relationship between K15NO3application period and15N enrichment of apricot blossoms and developing fruit.

The relationship was assessed between the period of K15 NO3 application and the level of 15N in the blossoms of ‘Royal’ apricot (Prunus armen iaca L.). Late summer applications of K15NO, resulted in a 34 fold greater 15N enrichment of apricot blossoms the following year than K15NO3 applied during the dormant period. In contrast, 15N enrichment was 60% higher in vegetative shoots 30 days after anthesis when K15NO3 was applied during the dormant period as occurred following summer applications. Thus, fertilizer nitrogen applied in summer may support the early development of fruit to a greater extent than nitrogen applied during the dormant period. When K15NO3 was applied in Jan, 15N accumulation in reproductive organs occurred after anthesis and corresponded with the period of shoot elongation and leaf expansion. It appears that fertilizer N must be absorbed prior to leaf fall to reach reproductive organs during anthesis.