Impotence and Incontinence After Immediate Realignment of Posterior Urethral Trauma: Result of Injury or Management?

We examined further whether the injury or method of management is responsible for impotence and incontinence after immediate realignment of prostato-membranous urethral disruptions. A total of 20 patients with complete urethral disruptions treated with immediate realignment (group 1) was compared to 12 with partial or complete injuries treated with retrograde catheterization alone (group 2). Followup status was obtained by patient questionnaire or telephone interview. Of the patients 83% in group 1 and 80% in group 2 are continent, and 76% and 70%, respectively, regained erections suitable for sexual intercourse. The results suggest that impotence and incontinence in this setting are the result of the injury and not of attempts at immediate surgical management.