Influence of Image Acquisition Parameters on CT Artifacts and Polyp Depiction in Spiral CT Colonography: In Vitro Evaluation

To quantify the effects of spiral computed tomographic (CT) acquisition parameters on the magnitude of three-dimensional (3D) rippling artifacts and polyp depiction. An in vitro colon phantom was constructed with air-filled acrylic cylinders that contained synthetic polyps of 3-13 mm. The phantom was submerged in fluid and positioned at four angles of inclination relative to the z axis. Image data were acquired at collimation and pitch combinations of 3 mm and 1.67 and 5 mm and 1.6, respectively. Rippling artifacts were quantified by measuring the longitudinal variation of in-plane phantom edge width, and the influence of these artifacts on the depiction of pedunculated and sessile polyps was assessed qualitatively. The in-plane magnitude of the rippling artifact was a function of the angle of inclination relative to the longitudinal axis and the table increment. The through-plane periodicity of the artifact was equal to one-half the table increment. The table increment and angle of inclination of the surface of the object relative to the z axis determine the periodicity and magnitude of the rippling artifact at 3D spiral CT colonography. Although the depiction of small pedunculated polyps was not compromised, some sessile polyps were degraded by the artifact.