Test of Adam—Gibbs Liquid Viscosity Model with o-Terphenyl Specific-Heat Data

A differential scanning calorimeter has been used to determine the latent heat of fusion of o‐terphenyl, 4.40±0.07 kcal/mole, the entropy of fusion, 13.4±0.2 cal/mole·°K, and the specific heat of the liquid, glassy, and crystalline states from 220°K to the melting temperature, 328.7°K. The constants of the Adam—Gibbs liquid viscosity model have been chosen to match the magnitude and slope of the experimental viscosity at the melting temperature (the highest temperature of directly measured configurational entropy) and also at −16°C (the lowest temperature of directly measured shear viscosity). Within this temperature range, the temperature dependence of viscosity predicted by the Adam—Gibbs model is compared with the measured temperature variation.

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