Penicillin Blood Levels for Twenty-Four Hours Following a Single Intramuscular Injection of Calcium Penicillin in Beeswax and Peanut Oil

IN PREVIOUS reports, we1 2 3 have shown that after a single injection of a suspension of calcium penicillin in beeswax and peanut oil, effective levels of penicillin can be maintained in the blood for ten to twelve hours, with excretion continuing in the urine for twenty-four to thirty-two hours. Clinical results3 , 4 have proved as satisfactory by this method of administration as by the method utilizing penicillin in saline solution, which necessitates multiple injections. The preparation most satisfactory for obtaining the above results has proved to be a suspension of 100,000 units of calcium penicillin in 4 per cent beeswax by volume . . .