Gabapentin is effective in treating nocturnal painful spasms in multiple sclerosis

In-patients with MS nocturnal spasms (NPS) occur frequently, primarily during the night and may influence the ability to and/or quality of sleep. We enrolled in an open label trial with GBP (up to 600 mg/day) 24 MS patients with NPS. We obtained patient reports of subjective discomfort at pre-treatment and following 2- (T1) and 8 weeks (T2), utilizing a 3-point analogue scale. Twenty of the 22 patients who completed the study reported resolution or amelioration of discomfort. Clinical improvement occurred 1-5 days following initial treatment. Three patients experienced adverse effects but completed the minimal follow-up period (2 weeks). Two patient dropped out of the study due to no compliance or adverse effects. A very low dose of GBP may be effective treatment for MS patients with NPS who may benefit from rapid improvement of discomfort with minimal risk of adverse effects.