Molecular Phylogenetics of Gadidae and Related Gadiformes Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequences

Mitochondrial DNA sequences of selected regions of the small subunit and large subunit ribosomal RNAs and cytochrome b genes were analyzed for 10 gadid species, representing 8 genera within Gadidae, and 10 species representing 5 other gadiform families. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that Gadiculus is the most basal gadid genus, and that Trisopterus and Micromesistius constitute a relatively basal clade. Lotidae was identified as the family most closely related to Gadidae. Estimation of divergence times indicated that the most ancient Gadidae split between Gadiculus and the remaining gadid genera occurred about 20 million years ago. The clade including the most recent species (Gadus, Boreogadus, Merlangius, Melanogrammus, and Pollachius) diverged from the Trisopterus/Micromesistius clade approximately 12 million years ago.