The Conduction System in Mixed Levocardia with Ventricular Inversion (Corrected Transposition)

Serial sections were cut through the sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV) nodes, AV bundle, and bundle branches in a case of mixed levocardia with ventricular inversion, with corrected transposition. The central fibrous body and pars membranacea were found to be in mirror-image, but with the pars membranacea greatly elongated. The SA node was normally located. The AV node lay in the left atrial (left-sided) morphologically left ventricle (right-sided)[long dash]septum. It entered the central fibrous body horizontally to become the bundle of His. The latter came to lie on the morphologically left ventricular (right-sided) aspect of the summit of the muscular ventricular septum. It journeyed beneath the pars membranacea giving off fasciculi of the left bundle branch over this surface of the septum. It then bifurcated into the right bundle branch and anterior radiation of the left bundle branch. The right bundle branch was large and journeyed in its usual course on the morphologically right ventricular (left-sided) aspect of the septum. The anterior radiation of the left bundle branch remained a distinct bundle with small cells like the bundle of His.