The assembly of ionic currents in a thalamic neuron I. The three-dimensional model

We have previously discussed qualitative models for bursting and thalamic neurons that were obtained by modifying a simple two-dimensional model for repetitive firing. In this paper we report the results of making a similar sequence of modifications to a more elaborate six-dimensional model of repetitive firing which is based on the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. To do this we first reduce the six-dimensional model to a two-dimensional model that resembles our original two-dimensional qualitative model. This is achieved by defining a new variable, which we call q. We then add a subthreshold inward current and a subthreshold outward current having a variable, z, that changes slowly This gives a three-dimensional (v, q, z) model of the Hodgkin-Huxley type, which we refer to as the z-model. Depending on the choice of parameter values this model resembles our previous models of bursting and thalamic neurons. At each stage in the development of these models we return to the corresponding seven-dimensional model to confirm that we can obtain similar solutions by using the complete system of equations. The analysis of the three-dimensional model involves a state diagram and a stability diagram. The state diagram shows the projection of the phase path from v, q, z space into the v, z plane, together with the projections of the curves $\dot{z}$ = 0 and $\dot{v}$ = $\dot{q}$ = 0. The stability of the points on the curve $\dot{v}$ = $\dot{q}$ = 0, which we call the v, q nullcurve, is determined by the stability diagram. Taken together the state and stability diagrams show how to assemble the ionic currents to produce a given firing pattern.