Helical Arrays of Pendant Fullerenes on Optically Active Poly(phenylacetylene)s

Novel, optically active, stereoregular poly(phenylacetylene)s bearing the bulky fullerene as the pendant were synthesized by copolymerization of an achiral phenylacetylene bearing a [60]fullerene unit with optically active phenylacetylene components in the presence of a rhodium catalyst. The C60‐bound phenylacetylene was prepared by treatment of C60 with N‐(4‐ethynylbenzyl)glycine in a Prato reaction. The obtained copolymers exhibited induced circular dichroism (ICD) in solution both in the main‐chain region and in the achiral fullerene chromophoric region, although their ICD intensities were highly dependent on the structures of the optically active phenylacetylenes and the solution temperature. These results indicate that the optically active copolymers form one‐handed helical structures and that the pendant achiral fullerene groups are arranged in helical arrays with a predominant screw sense along the polymer backbone. The structures and morphology of the copolymers on solid substrates were also investigated by atomic force microscopy.