Intermolecular Three-Body Forces and Third Virial Coefficients

Nonadditivity corrections to the third virial coefficients C(T) of the noble gases have been calculated for the three-body exchange interactions in the first and second orders of perturbation theory using approximate formulas of Jansen based on the Gaussian model. Denoting these corrections by ΔC1 and ΔC2, respectively, and the correction for the triple dipole interaction by ΔC3, it is found that ΔC1<0, ΔC2>0, ΔC3>0, ΔC1+ΔC2<0, and the total nonadditivity correction (ΔC1+ΔC2+ΔC3) is small because of cancellations. The values of ΔC1 and ΔC2 are somewhat inaccurate, principally because of uncertainty in the Gaussian-density width parameter. Qualitatively, the results provide support for the additivity hypothesis, and do not help to explain existing discrepancies with experiment.