Immunological Family Studies in Hodgkin's Disease

Twenty-seven consanguineous and non-consanguineous relatives to 12 patients with Hodgkin''s disease (HD) were studied. The lymphocyte DNA synthesis induced by concanavalin (Con)A was depressed in 6 patients. Out of 15 tested relatives (3 first degree relatives and 4 spouses), 7 showed a profound impairment in lymphocyte response to ConA stimulation. None out of 12 relatives to ConA normal patients were defective in this respect. In relatives to ConA hyporesponsive patients there was a small but statistically significant decrease in lymphocyte response to pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and PPD [purified protein derivative] in vitro. No differences in lymphocyte subpopulations were seen. There probably is an exogenous factor (probably a virus) causing the depressed mitogen response in relatives to immunodeficient patients with HD. A possible linkage between the immunodeficiency and the pathogenesis of HD is discussed.