The objective of this study was to deterinine whethler-means-end thinking was related to adolescent maternal initeractions. One huundred twenty-eight single, low-income, first-time adolescent mothers were administered the Means-End Problem Solvinig Scale (MEPS) during their third trimester of pregnancy. Observationts of materntal-inifant interactions durinig teaching and feeding situations were assessed at one month postpar-tum. As predicted, higher MEPS scores indicating greater problem-solving skills were significantly correlated with more optimal maternal intleractions, even when the effects of age were statistically partialled out. This relation was no longer significant, however, when adjusted for socioeconomic status and grade level. Consistent with previous work, increasing age was significantly related to more optimal maternal interactions. However, MEPS scores were not correlated with increasing maternal age. It was emphasized that further research was nieeded to clarify whether developmenital change in meansenid thinking continuies to occuir throughout adolescence.