Soft electroweak breaking from hard supersymmetry breaking

We present a class of four-dimensional models, with a non-supersymmetric spectrum, in which the radiative corrections to the Higgs mass are not sensitive, at least at one-loop, to the UV completion of the theory. At one loop, Yukawa interactions of the top quark contribute to a finite and negative Higgs squared mass which triggers the electroweak symmetry breaking, as in softly broken supersymmetric theories, while gauge interactions lead to a logarithmic cutoff dependent correction that can remain subdominant. Our construction relies on a hard supersymmetry breaking localized in the theory space of deconstruction models and predicts, within a renormalizable setup, analogous physics as five-dimensional scenarios of Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking. The electroweak symmetry breaking can be calculated in terms of the deconstruction scale, replication number, top-quark mass and electroweak gauge couplings. For m_top ~ 170 Gev, the Higgs mass varies from 158 GeV for N=2 to 178 GeV for N=10.

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