Environmental, Policy, and Cultural Factors Related to Physical Activity Among Latina Immigrants

SUMMARY According to national surveillance studies, participation in leisure-time physical activity remains low among minority women. Fur thermore, the correlates of such activity in this group are not well understood. To better understand the environmental, policy, and sociocultural correlates of physical activity among Latina immigrants, six focus groups were conducted in rural North Carolina. Among the 49 participants, median age was 32 years and median education 11 years. Participants were first generation immigrants from Mexico (n = 43), El Salvador (n = 3), Colombia (n = 1), the Dominican Republic (n = 1), and Honduras (n = 1). Environmental and policy barriers to activity were identified, including transportation, lack of facilities, cost, and safety. Sociocultural correlates of activity included gender roles for activity, importance of support from the family and husband, child care issues tied to having few relatives who lived close by, language, and isolation in the community. The women suggeste...