Fungi on pohutukawa and otherMetrosiderosspecies in New Zealand

An annotated list is presented of all fungi known to be associated with indigenous species of Metrosideros in New Zealand. This includes information on 209 species of fungi, with records taken from the literature, as well as unpublished information associated with specimens held in Herbarium PDD and in Herbarium NZFRI(M). There are relatively few primary pathogens or other fungi specifically associated with Metrosideros. Some secondary pathogens may play a role in dieback of Metrosideros spp., especially following possum browsing. Many wood‐rotting basidiomycetes and other saprobes are included. A few endophytic fungi have been isolated from symptomless leaves. Some non‐specific vesicular‐arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are listed, but mushroom‐like fungi are rarely recorded as Metrosideros does not form endotrophic mycorrhizal associations.