Artificial Hybridization between Rainbow (Salmo gairdneri) and Golden Trout (Salmo aguabonita)

A fortuitous case, under artificial conditions, of hybridization between golden (S. aguabonita Jordan) and rainbow (S. gairdneri Richardson) trout is reported. It is apparently the 1st report of hybridization between these 2 spp. where the parentage was known beyond a doubt. Fertilized eggs (50) were obtained from live specimens and water hardened and incubated at C. Of the eggs fertilized, 78% hatched. There was severe mortality in the hybrid fry due to adverse environmental conditions, however the possibility that the hybrid zygote has limited viability should not be ignored. The 6 surviving hybrid fingerlings reached an average size of 3.5 cm fork length. The data, although limited, indicate a high degree of genomic compatibility between golden and rainbow trout. It appears that hybridization between the 2 spp. in nature could occur with ease.

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