Functional dyspepsia is a heterogeneous disorder in which distinct pathophysiological abnormalities are present in subgroups of patients. Accommodation of the proximal stomach to a meal is impaired in 40% of patients with functional dyspepsia. This is associated with symptoms of early satiety and weight loss. The presence of early satiety as a relevant or severe symptom is a good predictor of impaired accommodation. Gastric barostat or proximal gastric ultrasound may confirm the presence of impaired accommodation after a meal. Sophisticated analysis of scintigraphic gastric emptying images or a simple caloric drinking test are under investigation in the diagnosis of impaired accommodation. It seems logical to have patients eat more frequent, smaller sized meals. Cisapride is the only well-evaluated form of pharmacological treatment for this condition, and has been withdrawn from the US market (see Important Note under Treatment, below). Small or preliminary studies suggest some benefit from buspirone or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Functional dyspepsia is a heterogeneous disorder in which distinct pathophysiological abnormalities are present in subgroups of patients. Accommodation of the proximal stomach to a meal is impaired in 40% of patients with functional dyspepsia. This is associated with symptoms of early satiety and weight loss. The presence of early satiety as a relevant or severe symptom is a good predictor of impaired accommodation. Gastric barostat or proximal gastric ultrasound may confirm the presence of impaired accommodation after a meal. Sophisticated analysis of scintigraphic gastric emptying images or a simple caloric drinking test are under investigation in the diagnosis of impaired accommodation. It seems logical to have patients eat more frequent, smaller sized meals. Cisapride is the only well-evaluated form of pharmacological treatment for this condition, and has been withdrawn from the US market (see Important Note under Treatment, below). Small or preliminary studies suggest some benefit from buspirone or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).