Bounds to density-dependent quantities ofD-dimensional many-particle systems in position and momentum spaces: Applications to atomic systems

Starting from any two finite expectation values, rigorous bounds to quantities of D-dimensional many-particle systems, depending on the single-particle density ρ(r) in the form F ρn dDr, n∈openR+ (the set of positive real numbers), are explicitly given. Similar bounds are also valid in momentum space. The resulting expressions are used to rigorously bound the kinetic (T0,D) and Dirac exchange (K0,D) energies of fermionic systems in the plane-wave approximation (e.g., the Thomas-Fermi approach). As a numerical illustration, very accurate upper bounds to the Dirac exchange energy of atomic systems are found by means of 〈r1〉 and 〈r2〉. The limit of large dimensionality is also considered; in particular, it is found that T0,DD2r2〉/2e2 and K0,D≤-2〈r1〉/πe, where e=2.718 28. In addition rigorous lower bounds to the exact kinetic energy of real (D=3) fermionic systems are given.