Species composition and total numbers of small mammals [Peromyscus maniculatus, Spermophilus armatus, Zapus princeps, Microtus montanus, M. longicaudus, Sorex vagrans, S. cinereus, Eutamias minimus, Mustela frenata, Thomomys talpoides and Clethrionomys gapperi] changed little in the unburned sagebrush, while individual species capture rates varied considerably. Following spring burning, the number of small mammal species and abundance were slightly lower than control levels and were near unburned levels after 3 yr. Species composition was greatly reduced on the fall burn in the 1st postburn year. Two years after burning 4 spp. were captured, although only 2 were caught in live-traps. Total small mammal density increased dramatically in the first 2 postburn years. The large increase in abundance on both burns was due primarily to P. maniculatus and Spermophilus armatus. Food use patterns on the fall burn were similar to those observed on the spring burn where small mammals utilized their preferred food types in relation to its abundance and availability.

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