Production of four-prong final states in photon-photon collisions

Results are presented on the exclusive production of four-prong final states in photon-photon collisions from the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC e+ e storage ring PEP. Measurement of dE/dx and momentum in the time-projection chamber (TPC) provides identification of the final states 2π+2π, K+ K π+ π, and 2K+2K. For two quasireal incident photons, both the 2π+2π and K+ K π+ π cross sections show a steep rise from threshold to a peak value, followed by a decrease at higher mass. Cross sections for the production of the final states ρ0 ρ0, ρ0 π+ π, and φπ+ π are presented, together with upper limits for φρ0, φφ, and K*0*0. The ρ0 ρ0 contribution dominates the four-pion cross section at low masses, but falls to nearly zero above 2 GeV. Such behavior is inconsistent with expectations from vector dominance but can be accommodated by four-quark resonance models or by t-channel factorization. Angular distributions for the part of the data dominated by ρ0 ρ0 final states are consistent with the production of JP