SYNOPSIS. Certain aspects of the metabolism of a Trichomonas batrachorum‐type flagellate from the cecum of swine were studied. This trichomonad (1) oxidized glucose, mannose, maltose, sucrose, and inulin, (2) was incapable of oxidizing Krebs' cycle intermediates, (3) possessed peroxide‐splitting capabilities, (4) was inhibited by only iodoacetate and arsenite, and (5) formed acid(s) aerobically. Although there was no effect on oxygen uptake, pyruvate and lactate increased the anaerobic evolution of gas(es). In addition to CO2, other gas, not absorbed by KOH, was produced anaerobically.Compared with other porcine trichomonads, the metabolism of this small trichomonad resembles most closely that of the large cecal trichomonad, T. suis. However, the smaller trichomonad had a generally lower respiratory rate, a slightly lower optimal pH, and failed to oxidize fructose, galactose, lactose, raffinose, and trehalose.