Summary: Urinary total 17‐hydroxycorticosteroid (17‐OHCS) excretion and 17‐ketosteroid (17‐KS) excretion by 10 university students during day and night periods were measured four weeks before and during university annual examinations. A significant increase in the excretion of total 17‐OHCS occurred during examinations in both day and night periods. No rise occurred in 17‐KS excretion. The normal diurnal variation of excretion was present both before and during examinations for both total 17‐OHCS and 17‐KS. It is concluded that examinations caused an increase in basal total 17‐OHCS excretion as well as an increase during the examinations themselves, and that the adrenal‐stimulating factor was not enough to cause a rise in 17‐KS excretion detectable by the method used.

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