The preparation of concentrated antigonadotropic factor (antiprolan)

Different methods of concentrating antiprolan were described. The purest preps. were obtained by combined methods of prep. viz.: Combined method A. Iso-electric precipitation of diluted antiserum, followed by soln. of the precipitate in Locke soln. and dialysis. Combined method B. Isoelectric precipitation of diluted anti-serum, followed by partial soln. of the precipitate in 25% sat. (NHH4)2SO4, and dialysis of the filtrate. The concentrated antiprolan solns. obtained by the combined methods of prep. gave only a faintly positive reaction in the nin-hydrin and biuret tests, developed only slight turbidities with acetone and salicylsulphonic acid and did not coagulate to boiling; 1 mg. purified antiprolan dry substance contained 10 antiprolan units. The combined methods of prep. were not of equal efficacy with the 2 species tested, the results obtained with rabbit antiserum by the combined methods being far more promising than those obtained with goat antiserum. The antigonadotropic factor is always contained in the serum globulin, a property which places this factor in the same class as the antibodies. These experiments constitute further support for the view advanced that antiprolan is similar to an antibody and is not a hormone.

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