Quantum-mechanical lossless beam splitter: SU(2) symmetry and photon statistics

For optical homodyning, the matrix representation of a lossless beam splitter belongs to the SU(2) group of unimodular second-order unitary matrices. The connection between this group and the rotation group in three dimensions permits the field density operators at the input and output ports of the beam splitter to be related by means of well-known angular-momentum transformations. This, in turn, provides the joint output photon-number distribution, which may be written as a Fourier series in the relative phase shift imparted by the beam splitter, for a general joint state at its inputs. The series collapses to a single term if one of the input fields is diagonal in the number-state representation. If the inputs to both ports are further restricted to be pure number states, the joint, as well as the marginal photon-number distributions, turn out to be directly proportional to the square of Jacobi polynomials in the beam-splitter transmittance. These photon-number probabilities are invariant to a set of physical and time-reversal symmetries. When one of the input photon-number states is the vacuum, the beam splitter simply deletes photons from the other port in Bernoulli fashion, as if they were classical particles. The output photon number is then described by the binomial distribution. If the inputs at the two ports are different number states, neither of which is the vacuum, the photon-number distribution is expressible in terms of summed and weighted products of the results for photomixing with the vacuum. If the inputs at the two ports are identical number states, and a beam splitter of transmittance τ=(1/2 is used, the photon-number distribution assumes a simple but interesting form. It vanishes for odd photon numbers, indicating that the photons assemble in pairs at each output port. Finally, it is shown that homodyning quantum fluctuations can be reduced by using a balanced photomixer for arbitrary input states.