Reflux esophagitis has been established as a clinical entity2,3 which in all probability is related to the action of acid-pepsin digestion of the esophageal mucosa.4,14,20 In the majority of instances it is associated with the presence of a hiatus hernia,6,11 gastric outflow obstruction,7 or other abnormalities of the cardioesophageal junction.27 In general, the results have been good when the cardioesophageal junction has been restored by surgical means to normal function. However, the presence of cicatricial stenosis of the lower end of the esophagus which may result from ulceration of the terminal esophagus has posed a far more complicated problem. Attempts to correct this by repair of hiatus hernia, plastic operations upon the cardia, and resection of the stenotic segment with esophageal-gastric anastomosis have frequently resulted in failure and severe recurrent esophagitis accompanied by stenosis.10,23 A review of the experience during the past 10 years