Estimating leaf area of Abieslasiocarpa across ranges of stand density and site quality
- 1 July 1989
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Canadian Science Publishing in Canadian Journal of Forest Research
- Vol. 19 (7) , 930-932
For a given species, differences in the relation between leaf area and sapwood cross-sectional area at breast height have been attributed to the effects of varying stand density and site quality. When leaf area of Abieslasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. is estimated as a function of sapwood cross-sectional area at breast height and distance from breast height to the midpoint of the crown, the apparent effects of stand density and site quality are eliminated. A comparison of these results with those for Pinuscontorta Dougl. suggests this model form should provide unbiased estimates of leaf area for a variety of species and stand conditions.This publication has 8 references indexed in Scilit:
- The adjustment of growth, sapwood area, heartwood area, and sapwood saturated permeability of balsam fir after different intensities of pruningCanadian Journal of Forest Research, 1988
- Leaf area - sapwood area relations of lodgepole pine as influenced by stand density and site indexCanadian Journal of Forest Research, 1988
- Estimation of foliage area in dense Montana lodgepole pine standsCanadian Journal of Forest Research, 1987
- Leaf area – sapwood cross-sectional area relationships in repressed stands of lodgepole pineCanadian Journal of Forest Research, 1987
- Conducting sapwood area, foliage area, and permeability in mature trees of Piceasitchensis and PinuscontortaCanadian Journal of Forest Research, 1984
- Sapwood Basal Area and Needle Mass of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Trees in Central SwedenForestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 1984
- Biomass and leaf area in contrasting lodgepole pine forestsCanadian Journal of Forest Research, 1984
- The Estimation of Foliage Area from Sapwood Basal Area in Scots PineForestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 1978