Suppression of Nuisance Aquatic Midges with a Urea Insect Growth Regulator1

Formulations of Bay SIR-8514 [1-(4-trifluoromethoxyphenyl)-3-(2)-chlorobenzoyl)urea] were evaluated in shallow golf course ponds against nuisance aquatic midges. The WP formulation, applied at the rates of 0.11 and 0.28 kg/ha. inhibited adult emergence of species of Tanytarsus, Chironomus , and Procladius for 2 weeks. Bay SIR-8514 granules applied at these two rates effectively suppressed adult eclosion of these midge species for up to 4 weeks after treatment. No difference was found in the duration of control for the two treatment rates. Both formulations showed good activity in reducing midge larval densities.