Scattering of gauge bosons in sixth order and nonrenormalizability of massive Yang-Mills theories

We consider the unitarity relation in order g6 for the canonically quantized massive Yang-Mills theory. The three-particle intermediate-state contribution to the absorptive part of T22=T(Wa+WbWc+Wd) is reexpressed in terms of the absorptive parts of Feynman diagrams constructed using only "soft" propagators gμν(k2m2) and 1(k2m2). The vertices which appear in this decomposition of Abs T22 are the usual ones which occur in order g4, together with two new vertices of dimension five which couple a W to three ghost particles; these vertices are similar to those found by Veltman in his study of radiative corrections to the W propagator. It is shown that, as a consequence, the Feynman rules proposed recently by Hsu and Sudarshan for a quantized massive Yang-Mills theory do not yield a unitary S matrix. Our result is in harmony with Boulware's formal argument that such theories are not renormalizable.